About the BetterBook

    5 Things you should know about the BetterBook:

    1. We can connect you with all the top businesses in the East and West Kootenay, and Lethbridge area.
    2. Our database is easy to navigate, so you can quickly find the listing you seek.
    3. We offer in-depth, search-friendly profiles on some of the most prominent companies in B.C. and Alberta.
    4. We publish the BetterBook Buzz, a regular e-newsletter to keep you up-to-date on local companies, products and services in your area.
    5. Business owners love advertising with us, due to the web traffic we receive, and the ease of use for our readers.

    Contact the BetterBook staff via email betterbook@kpimedia.com or call toll-free 1-800-663-8555 or 250 426-7253 during office hours to speak with one of our friendly receptionists.

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    Keep tabs on the latest business happenings, by subscribing to the BetterBook Buzz e-newsletter! We will provide you with regular updates and information on local companies, and tell you about the products and services they offer.

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