When emergencies happen, it’s crucial to have quick access to emergency personnel. But for many workers who are employed in the oil and gas sector including pipeline construction, going to work everyday involves heading out into the remote bush. Cue Guardian First Aid Service Ltd. The company provides mobile first aid and medical services to communities and remote areas across Alberta and British Columbia, including the East and West Kootenays.
Guardian First Aid Service Ltd. employees are all fully certified Emergency Medical Attendants (EMA), paramedics and Emergency Medical Responders (EMR) with many years of experience and knowledge in the medical field. Our on-site facilities include a fleet of mobile Medical Treatment Centres, which are fully stocked with a wide assortment of supplies and equipment and thus enabling us to treat everything from minor wounds to critical, life-threatening injuries. Our staff are committed to life-long learning and updating our skills on a regular basis. In addition to essential certifications such as CPR, oxygen therapy, WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training, we also carry specific safety qualifications including confined space training, bear aware training and fire safety.
Guardian First Aid Service Ltd. also provides safety and hazard assessments for workplaces and can provide written Occupational Health & Safety Plans for employers.
Does your business need a hazard assessment? Call us today!
Guardian First Aid Service Ltd. provides written safety and hazard assessments for workplaces. Give us a call at 250-425-5946 or send us an email guard1fa@telus.net to discuss your needs.
Read some five-star reviews about Guardian First Aid Service Ltd.
“You guys are so great at what you do. We are very pleased. I definitely will recommend your awesome services to everyone.” ~ Mark Collins
“Dude, your first aid services are awesome. You arrived in our workplace ahead of time. We are now your customer for life. Great Job! ” ~ Arnold Huggins
What qualifications does this safety and first aid company serving Castlegar and area have?
Safety is paramount at Guardian First Aid Service Ltd. Our employees include fully certified Emergency Medical Attendants (EMA), paramedics and Emergency Medical Responders (EMR). Our company qualifications include up-to-date certifications in CPR “C” level, oxygen therapy, Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training, Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) certification, spinal management, WHMIS and loss prevention.
In a field emergency, this West Kootenay first aid company co-ordinates with other medical professionals like STARS
Guardian First Aid Service Ltd. has many years of experience working on site in remote field settings. Our company has five fully-equipped Medical Treatment Centres available to treat everything from small wounds to major injuries. In the event of a patient needing immediate treatment in a hospital, we are able to co-ordinate services with local helicopter and airline companies or the STARS air ambulance service.
Guardian First Aid Service provides worksite first aid services in remote locations in the Castlegar, Nelson and West Kootenay area
Yes. At Guardian First Aid Service Ltd., we specialize in providing medical services and on-site first aid for personnel in the field. In the past, we’ve provided services to large corporations involved in the oil and gas industry, power and pole line construction, pipelines and the movie industry.
Does this first aid company offer safety and hazard assessments for West Kootenay workplaces?
Safeguarding employees is part of being a responsible employer. Don’t wait until an actual emergency happens—prevent potential accidents and injuries by having an Occupational Health & Safety Plan in place. Guardian First Aid Service Ltd. will perform a safety and hazard assessment of your workplace and work with you to customize a plan to ensure the safety of your workers. We will supply an evacuation and emergency plan with written procedures in the event of an emergency at your place of business.
Services and products offered by Guardian First Aid Service:
- On-site first aid services in remote locations - oil & gas sectors, pipelines, fire lines
- Safety and hazard assessment of workplaces
- Evacuation and emergency plans
- Local emergency services co-ordination when needed
- Community events
When is Guardian First Aid Service Ltd. open?
Service is available 24/7
Who is the owner of Guardian First Aid Service Ltd.?
Debby Tomich
Contact info
- Address: Box 648, Elkford, B.C.
- Phone: 250-425-5946